
Posts Tagged ‘Matt 7:12’

Sign posts point the way to a destination.  Sign posts are simple and provide a straight forward path toward the goal.

In Christ, we can have confidence in our destination.  God’s Word gives us specific sign posts to follow to know for certain we have a home with Him in Heaven. If you don’t have that confidence I urge you to take a moment and click on the link to the tab Beginning a Relationship with God .  John 20:31 reminds us that the Bible is “written so that you might believe that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God, and that by believing in him you will have life.”

The Bible also gives us sign posts to help us know how to love our world with His love.

“Do for others what you would like them to do for you.

This is a summary of all that is taught in the law and the prophets.” (Matthew 7:12).

Jesus Christ gave us the sign post that we refer to as “The Golden Rule” and it is applicable in our homes, our work place, and our community as a sound principle to remember when we reach out to others and share the love of Christ.  John 13:34 reminds us to “love each other” just as we have been loved by Jesus Christ.

Sometimes reflecting on how to show someone God’s love can get so theoretical that we forget the practical.  The simple measures we do for others that we would appreciate someone doing for us can communicate more about God’s love than a complex grandiose plan.

When traveling we don’t have much time to study a sign post.  They are intentionally simple and something that catches our eye.  Giving another a smile, a meal, a word of encouragement, or investing time in a project or speaking out publically on an issue doesn’t have to be all-consuming or complicated.  It is enough through our application of The Golden Rule that we are a practical example of God’s love for another to see Him in our testimony.

Time is of the essence—it is passing way too quickly.  Today, Lord Jesus, help me consciously reflect on what sign posts I am creating in my life that will allow others to find their way to You, that they might share in Your destiny for each of us—that is eternity with Jesus Christ.  Amen.

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