
Archive for the ‘Salt’ Category

Salt Melts

We use salt to melt ice on roadways; help traction.  We use salt to soften (melt) a tough piece of meat.  When we are salt in a hurting world, we will melt hard hearts with God’s love and grace through extending compassion and mercy.  

I can so easily be sarcastic or offensively opinionated.  When I do that I am not extending love and grace, but in fact create a situation that hardens the heart of others rather than causing the heart to open and be receptive. 

I cannot always choose the circumstances of my day, but I can choose how I react and the consequences flow from my reaction.  If a glass of milk is spilled all over my suit at breakfast, I can be angry and close the open heart of my daughter or I can choose to acknowledge it was an accident and that my reaction can make both of us have a good day or a bad day. 

Colossians 4:6 directs us to be gracious and effective in our communication with others, while Romans 12:18 urges us to do our “part to live in peace with everyone, as much as possible.”

Father God, today I need you to fill me with Your grace and mercy that I might  melt the hearts of others through compassion and mercy. 


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Salt Satisfies

There are times when I crave a good pickle or potato chip because my body needs salt.  Our tastes, our bodies are made to need salt for us to be healthy.  Salt is a necessary mineral that we need to stay healthy.  It has to remain balanced so we don’t get too much or we may create other health challenges, such as high blood pressure.  But without salt, our kidneys and other organs don’t operate effectively.  

 In a similar way, we are made to crave God’s truth and are satisfied only when He fills us with His love. Psalms 9: 9-10, “The Lord is a shelter for the oppressed, a refuge in times of trouble.  Those who know your name trust in you, for you, O Lord, have never abandoned anyone who searches for you.”

Oh Lord, satisfy the longings of my heart with You.  Let me today find joy and peace in sharing your love with others that they might find satisfaction for their needs in You as well. 

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Purified Salt

Salt Purifies– In a wound (yes, it can be painful), gargle or wash with salt and that which is washed gets de-contaminated; becomes disinfected, purified. Salt gets rid of impurities.  Salt contains certain trace elements needed to cure diseases.   But salt cannot purify itself.  Once it becomes impure it must be processed. 

So it is with us.  We must constantly keep ourselves purified so that we de-contaminate our world with God’s truth and love.  The only way to remain free of contaminates is to remain plugged into God and our Lord Jesus Christ through his Word and through fellowship with other believers. 

Not only will the Lord Jesus Christ purify your heart and mine, but he will remove all stain and give us back our joy.  (Ps 51:7-12).

 Oh, Lord, purify my heart; help me be a purifier in a world today that longs for decontamination. 


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Salt Preserves

Salt Preserves.  Without salt foods would decay and spoil. We have all seen fish packed in salt or salt brine used to ship foods in order to keep them fresh. If we are to be “salt of the earth” (Matt 5:13), we are to “preserve” in God’s truth.  We maintain His principles and standards for moral, safe, sane living in a world that is decaying.

What does “preserving the saltiness” mean in our daily lives?  This poem, titled Preserving the Saltiness, really challenges me to exam how I am preserving God’s Truth for others.

Preserving the Saltiness

Is Your voice calm?
Is it the still small voice?
Is Your voice raging?
Is it like a roaring storm?

The cares of this world,
the ever increasing want-list
made me sweat
for fear of being left behind.

I forgot how to follow
the lead of the Spirit.
With each sunrise and sunset,
I was drawn to wasting away.

I cried out for help,
and my friend led me to the light.
And by the chasteness of Your Word
I learn to light the lamp for others.

Preserve my saltiness Lord,
Let me wear the aroma of God-flavors
on my head like a crown,
and wrap it around my being without blemish.

As deep calls unto deep,
I kneel before your throne,
and receive the mandate
to promulgate the promises of your Holy Word.

(c) Jennifer Ehidiamen

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Saltiness is a condition that results from flavor added –may be to a food, wine, or a situation.  We can “salt” a work place, which means infecting it with a certain type of thinking or speech.   We are to flavor the world with God’s truth and the fruit of the Spirit by walking in obedience. Obedience following God’s principles is what keeps salt pure and with the full flavor it was created with.  Sin, or contamination, is what destroys the flavor of salt.  Once salt is impure it will never effectively do its job until it is once again purified.  It is interesting that Scripture says salt that loses its flavor isn’t even good for trampling on.

 In Israel, at the time of Scripture, the salt would be gathered from near the Dead Sea and would be mixed with a lot of different minerals.  The cook would put the minerals in a bag that would be soaked in the broth, soup or other food that needed flavoring.  Over time, over the heat the salt would go into the food.  When it reached the point that all the salt was gone, the remaining minerals would be mush and harden they would throw it out on their walkways, but the salt would not even be good for trampling on –it would be worthless (Matthew 5:13). 

 Tastes change. Flavoring our world with Truth means balancing our saltiness so that others are drawn to the Source of our Truth and don’t find us bitter or worthless.

Help me Lord to listen to Your Word, so that I flavor the world with Your Love and Truth. 

To share God’s word, to encourage and to keep our salt, SALTY


Salt Preserves.  Without salt foods would decay and spoil. We have all seen fish packed in salt or salt brine used to ship foods in order to keep them fresh. If we are to be “salt of the earth” (Matt 5:13), we are to “preserve” in God’s truth.  We maintain His principles and standards for moral, safe, sane living in a world that is decaying.

What does “preserving the saltiness” mean in our daily lives?  This poem, titled Preserving the Saltiness, really challenges me to exam how I am preserving God’s Truth for others.

Preserving the Saltiness

Is Your voice calm?
Is it the still small voice?
Is Your voice raging?
Is it like a roaring storm?

The cares of this world,
the ever increasing want-list
made me sweat
for fear of being left behind.

I forgot how to follow
the lead of the Spirit.
With each sunrise and sunset,
I was drawn to wasting away.

I cried out for help,
and my friend led me to the light.
And by the chasteness of Your Word
I learn to light the lamp for others.

Preserve my saltiness Lord,
Let me wear the aroma of God-flavors
on my head like a crown,
and wrap it around my being without blemish.

As deep calls unto deep,
I kneel before your throne,
and receive the mandate
to promulgate the promises of your Holy Word.

(c) Jennifer Ehidiamen


Salt Purifies– In a wound (yes, it can be painful), gargle or wash with salt and that which is washed gets de-contaminated; becomes disinfected, purified. Salt gets rid of impurities.  Salt contains certain trace elements needed to cure diseases.   But salt cannot purify itself.  Once it becomes impure it must be processed. 

So it is with us.  We must constantly keep ourselves purified so that we de-contaminate our world with God’s truth and love.  The only way to remain free of contaminates is to remain plugged into God and our Lord Jesus Christ through his Word and through fellowship with other believers. 

Not only will the Lord Jesus Christ purify your heart and mine, but he will remove all stain and give us back our joy.  (Ps 51:7-12).

Oh, Lord, purify my heart; help me be a purifier in a world today that longs for decontamination. 


There are times when I crave a good pickle or potato chip because my body needs salt.  Our tastes, our bodies are made to need salt for us to be healthy.  Salt is a necessary mineral that we need to stay healthy.  It has to remain balanced so we don’t get too much or we may create other health challenges, such as high blood pressure.  But without salt, our kidneys and other organs don’t operate effectively.  

 In a similar way, we are made to crave God’s truth and are satisfied only when He fills us with His love. Psalms 9: 9-10, “The Lord is a shelter for the oppressed, a refuge in times of trouble.  Those who know your name trust in you, for you, O Lord, have never abandoned anyone who searches for you.”

Oh Lord, satisfy the longings of my heart with You.  Let me today find joy and peace in sharing your love with others that they might find satisfaction for their needs in You as well. 


We use salt to melt ice on roadways; help traction.  We use salt to soften (melt) a tough piece of meat.  When we are salt in a hurting world, we will melt hard hearts with God’s love and grace through extending compassion and mercy.  

I can so easily be sarcastic or offensively opinionated.  When I do that I am not extending love and grace, but in fact create a situation that hardens the heart of others rather than causing the heart to open and be receptive. 

I cannot always choose the circumstances of my day, but I can choose how I react and the consequences flow from my reaction.  If a glass of milk is spilled all over my suit at breakfast, I can be angry and close the open heart of my daughter or I can choose to acknowledge it was an accident and that my reaction can make both of us have a good day or a bad day. 

Colossians 4:6 directs us to be gracious and effective in our communication with others, while Romans 12:18 urges us to do our “part to live in peace with everyone, as much as possible.”

Father God, today I need you to fill me with Your grace and mercy that I might  melt the hearts of others through compassion and mercy.

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